(photo credit: Mike Woolley)
Reinstein QuizBowl’s mission is to provide outstanding quizbowl/scholastic bowl/academic bowl experiences to students and coaches in Illinois and throughout the country.
Reinstein QuizBowl is the question provider for the Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA) State Series in 2023, 2024, and 2025.
Additionally, each year, Reinstein QuizBowl produces a question set for Illinois middle school conferences, produces the Scobol Solo question set, runs the main site of the Scobol Solo tournament, runs a team-based varsity high school tournament in Chicagoland, and produces questions for the Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl.
Reinstein QuizBowl has been producing middle school questions since 2019–2020. In that brief time, we have had over 280 Illinois middle schools buy questions from us. Our customers prefer our questions because we focus on important academic content while remaining accessible to middle school students. Coaches and players know that our questions are written clearly, so there will not be any issues as to whether a question is correct. Our conference questions are written using the IESA format and subject distribution. You can order this year’s questions for matches, order previous years’ questions for practices, or order a set of questions in the category of your choice.
We have been producing the Scobol Solo question set since 2001. The set is used annually at tournaments in Illinois, Kentucky, and Virginia. Other states have used the set to select their team for the National All-Star Academic Tournament (NASAT).
The annual Scobol Solo tournament uses the Scobol Solo question set. The tournament attracts 128 high school players each year.
The Reinstein Varsity Tournament attracts about 70 high school teams each year from several states. This tournament is a continuation of the New Trier Varsity tournament that has been held since 2005.
The Illinois Masonic Academic Bowl attracts teams from over 300 Illinois high schools each year. Reinstein QuizBowl supplies the questions for the Masonic tournament in Illinois. In 2025, the Masonic Sectional Tournaments will be on February 22, and the Masonic State Championship will be on March 8.
Quiz Bowl Community

(photo credit: Michelle Reinstein)
Reinstein QuizBowl wants you to be part of the quizbowl community.
- Read 10 Ways to Improve Your Team
- Read 10 Ways to Improve Scholastic Bowl
- Learn more about quizbowl
- Look up free middle school questions (not in IESA format)
- Discuss quizbowl on the national forums
Feel free to write to us at david@reinsteinquizbowl.com to give feedback or get your questions answered. We are happy to give free advice to anybody at any time.
Reinstein QuizBowl was founded and is run by David Reinstein. David has been the president of the Partnership for Academic Competition Excellence (PACE) and the chair of the Illinois High School Scholastic Bowl Coaches Association (IHSSBCA). He has also written questions for National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT). David coached New Trier High School from 1994 to 2011, winning two state championships.
David teaches mathematics at New Trier High School. You can learn more about David by reading this interview or listening to this podcast episode.
Reinstein QuizBowl is a DBA registered in Lake County, Illinois.